Are you taking medications that aren’t working or are suffering from side effects?
We are all unique, but drug and dosing recommendations generally do not take
these interindividual differences into account. But what if there was a reliable way to test
for these interindividual differences to better match your medications to your
genetic makeup?
Pharmacogenetics (PGx) is the study of interindividual variations in the DNA
sequence of our genes, and how those variations impact our individual response to
different medications. Without the use of pharmacogenetics, matching medications
to patients is done through a trial-and-error approach which is time consuming and
frustrating to both patients and healthcare providers alike.
There are multiple benefits of pharmacogenetic testing. Pharmacogenetic testing
not only results in fewer adverse events, but also leads to higher response rates,
better outcomes, and even improved adherence to medications. It is known that
more than 98% of individuals carry one or more gene variants that will cause an
unexpected response to one or more common medications and also that 80% of
individual drug responses can be due to genetics. Knowing this, if you have the
opportunity, why would you not want medications tailored to your genetic
You’re probably wondering whether pharmacogenetic testing covers your health
conditions/medications. We can provide you with one of three pharmacogenetic
tests including pain and mental conditions, general health conditions or a 2-in-1
test combining the previous two. The pain and mental health condition test as well
as the 2-in-1 test include a comprehensive cannabis panel with personalized
recommendations on strain, dose, and more.
Last but not least, you might question how reliable PGx testing is. Inagene PGx tests are Health Canada approved which means their accuracy, safety and effectiveness are tested and proven. PGx testing has been highly recommended by medical associations such as, The Canadian Paediatric Society for children's mental health treatments.
If you would like more detailed information on medications covered by the test or
pharmacogenetic testing in general feel free to check out the appropriate section of
our website and/or send us an email.
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